So far, I am lovin August! Just been partying! yeah yeah yeah.
Alright. Thursday. My family, Leesa, and I went to a dentist pool party. It was pretty tight! Jack Sparrow was there! oh my goodness. and When we got there we saw some clouds rolling in, we weren't all that concerned. Then out of nowhere it starts pouring! It starts raining like none other! it was so cold. and then it starts hailing! and.. then raining again. You can't even imagine how much it was raining! it was ridiculous! it lasted for about 15 minutes. Then it stopped. -Good ol' Utah.- After it stopped Leesa and I flagged down Jack Sparrow and got a picture with him. We went swimming and all. It was a blast! Then we flagged down Jack Sparrow again and got his autograph. (Don't worry we just love him.)
On Friday I went to Bri's and Bri, Sage, Lindsay, Leesa, Jackson and I just sat there and talked, chilled, rode a mini bike. You know. Whatev. :)
Whoo. Saturday. This is gonna be long. :)
Well, I went shopping, got some cute bags, and got a present for Emilie, the birthday girl, who had a stellar Quinceañera! ..but wait! So we did that, and then I went to subway, and the guy who was making my sandwich totally hit on me. it was hilarious! haah. Well then I ran home and got all ready in 20 minutes for the quinceañera. I was pretty proud of myself. So then Leesa and I went to the Quinceañera. It was a real party! Emilie looked stunning, and she is so talented! :) They had a photo booth and me and my lovely friends took very lovely pictures. haha and the dance. That was great! We danced and danced. We partied and partied. and.. I slow danced with a boy for 7 seconds. yes. and when I got home, I passed out. and slept til 1. Yay! I love summer!